Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Character Inference Entry #4

Hello everyone, the book I am reading is called Scorpia Rising by Anthony Horowitz. This is my last entry of the book. I am also in the middle-end of this book too. So I hope you read this book so you know what happens.

Alex Rider changed a lot throughout the 120 pages I read, because he keeps changing is mind from this to this, then that to that, and so on. The first time he met the head of M16 he didn't feel like going back being a young aged spy. When they said Scorpia is gonna find him and kill you, he changed his mind and change himself into his spy mode. And I think he changed his personality, because now he is more curious the before about the head security of the school in Cairo. I think this all change because of lack of time. Alex wants to stop this experience of crime he went through, and he wants to live a normal life just like others.

Character Inference Entry #3

Hello everyone, I am reading this book called Scorpia Rising by Anthony Horowitz. This is my third entry, and right now I am still in the middle of the book which is the most exciting parts of the book.

Right now my character is experiencing being a new kid at school. And his mission is to spy on the head guard of brand new school the name of the school is The Cairo International College of Arts and Educations, and M16 is really curious of what Gunter (head security) is doing. Alex Rider honestly doesn't want to spy on his own nice guard of the school. He was forced by himself to spy on him, because he doesn't want to get back to London, and if he doesn't do the mission  he doesn't have a reason to live in Cairo, Egypt, and he will get caught if he goes back. One of his favorite spy partner is Mr. Smither, he is the guy who gives all the gadgets recommended for a certain and specific mission.

Character Inference Entry #2

Hello everyone, I am reading this book called Scorpia Rising by Anthony Horowitz. Right now I am in the middle of the book, and this is my second entry for this book.

When I read theses 30 pages, some of the things that change was that Alex was chasing the helicopter that contained the guy who fired bullets at his school, and he was able to make the copter fall down and explode. And after that happened, M16 (Spy Organization) called him, and it was unexpected for him. Alex and Jack both went to the place where all the M16 members are, and now Alex is now recruited again by the M16 and Scorpia knows and have been tracking them at the beginning, I think he did a great job on telling the information, it was very detailed too.

Character Inference Entry # 1

Hello everyone, I am reading this book called Scorpia Rising by Anthony Horowitz. Now, I am in the middle of this book. These post are going to be continued  4 times and this is the 1 one, so I hope you guys enjoy it.

My character's name is Alex Rider, and he wants to know where, and who fired the gun at his school. He need to some how to keep in touch worth a organization of spies. This boy is a retired 15 year old spy, he is brave, dating, strong, nice, and curious. I think his traits are set for his goal, and it is really impotent to him so he get bothered by the terrorist. He is still out of the spy world, so he doesn't know who sent the guy to try to kill Alex at his school. So I think he is going to be recruited by the spy organization because of the evidence I found throughout the 30 pages.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ancient India

In my class we had to make a game board and add information about a topic about India I did the Mysteries of The Mohenjodaro, this city had 50,000 people there and they lasted for more than 100 years. Nobody knows where they are now, the archaeologist believed in many things of what happened to the people that lived there, their culture there was very unique, they usually used beads for the jewelry. They game that they played is mostly chess and they would roll a ball to the end of the race track. They had an average live there but they had everything to live. And the statues and bead that they made was fantastic, they built a statue that was 7 meters high and the archaeologist found bits to its part. These people are very creative and peaceful, but no one knows where they went or who murdered them. We could still see them by their cultures and games that they made when they were living in India

First is to open Microsoft PowerPoint then pick a design that you want for your game. This whole process is mostly copying and pasting. First Make a box for all of your subjects then that's it for the labeling, then start make boxes for the numbers, after you make the first box that says '100' then copy and paste the '100' two times under the first one, then change all the numbers there, then select the three boxes and copy it then paste to the right side of your slide, and there your game board is done. Now, you have to make slides for the questions after you are done with that, it is time to hyperlink, hyperlink is very important if you get one wrong your game board is destroyed. You have to hyperlink all the numbers to the correct questions, then after you do that, you do the coloring so you know which question you already clicked. Go to animations then click on the box and add the animations to the block, and make the speed very fast, so that to all your boxes. I hope  you can make your first Jeopardy Game board on an Electronic.  

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Movenote is a tool that we used to record ourselves, there are some advantages and some disadvantages to this tool, first I will tell you how it works. There is movenote on the IPad and the computer but I prefer the IPad one, if you have it on the IPad it will be much easier. When you open it will for you to sign in or sign up, when you already made your account, there will be an option to make a new movenote, click it and it will come up.

If you to put a presentation to the movenote, if you have google drive, go there and find your presentation and click the "i" button and it will show "open in" click that and you'll find movenote. If you want to start your recording click the red button, and if you want to pause click it again. I think it isn't really a effective way to use movenote as a presentation, I think it is good to use it when you can't be there. And if you use it on the computer you'll have a lot of problems so just use the IPad. If you want to watch our movenote presentation here is the link: https://api.movenote.com/v/piVUIu1oKqJ  and good luck using movenote

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Roman Empire

In class we are currently learning about the Roman empire. The setup that we are using is with groups, we were learning about this topic for almost 5 weeks. Our teacher made groups for us, my groups was Thomas, Gabriel, and me. When we got our groups, we had to pick a topic about this empire. My group chose the expansion of the Roman empire, then we had to learn about our topic for 4 weeks. 

After we learned the topic, we wrote a script about it and the groups should record themselves in front the camera. Our teacher said that he have to try to know your script so we have more eye contact. We used Movenote as a tool to record our selves. We were given time to record and talk to the camera, our group was done with the recording, then we realized that three of us had some mistakes in that video. So we just had to record again and try to make it good as possible, we recorded 3 times before we got as good as possible. After all the groups finished their videos. Then we watched all the videos that the other groups made. And after this blog read my other blog about Movenote.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Persian War

The information that I got, for the Ancient Greece facts is mostly from expert space, you can see all the features that this tool has if you want to know about expert space, read some of my previous posts. I used other two tools to get my fact from, first one is History Alive which is a printed book, this book contains every Ancient city or Eras in world History. The process of getting information for a project, presentation, etc.

Make sure that the information that you are looking for is just right, and make sure the facts is just what
you wanted. for example one of my sites that i got information from was Facts on files, this site  has limited facts that I want, so i just ended up only using three to four stuff from the site. The book that I read has a lot facts that i want so i used that for so many times. And finally, Expert space has lots of facts that you want, I got lots of information from it, but the thing is that  this site is really buggy as in a lot of bugs and glitches. Once again, all the information that you get is not what you want, and read over the article, fact, etc.

 This tool is very high tech, you can make videos with charterers that you choose. The way to make an impressive way to make a good video is, make all the words that your characters are speaking clear, don't make unclear words that will make other people can't understand the meaning. You can do some panning in the video, that will also make the video more high looking. Add some gestures to you characters to make it more interesting. If  I wanted to make my video better I would make all my characters have more gestures. And maybe I would put more panning.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Prezi is a tool that you can use in your presentations. You can go to this website and make creative slides and more. just go to this webstie to go there go to this link :www.prezi.com, first I will tell you what is a effective presentation. You can use this anytime and everywhere

A Good Presentation

A good presentation is when the slides are not full of paragraphs. If you just type a word that you can expand in your mind or memorize it will be more effective. If you just put paragraphs on a slide you would just look at the screen instead of the audience. The more effective presentation the more the audience will be interest at. And also if you need to talk about a schedule or something else related, just let your audience read the schedule. If you just stand there and speak out all of the contents of the schedule, the people that are looking at your presentation will be very bored and won't be interested anymore. Make sure the slides are easy to see so the audience won't be confused. Okay, I finished talking about an effective presentation.


The Tools of Prezi

Now I will be talking about the tools of Prezi. First of all you have to make a account to access Prezi and see what they can do. The main thing about Prezi is the paths that you make for your slides. If you don't fix the path that you wanted to the presentation will be a mess, you can change the path every time so if something is missing you can fix it by changing the path. If you want a new slides and click on the thing that says "outlines and Shapes" click on that and you could choose which one you want so you don't stress of having less slides than you are supposed to. You can also take pictures and place it on your creative slides so it will look more interesting, but remember you have to cite all of the pictures. That is now you'll be an expert in Prezi, one last thing when you are making your first Prezi you can choose a picture for your background and your themes.









Friday, February 7, 2014

Crediting Resources

If you are doing a presentation or something, and get pictures from the internet you have to at least make a citation for it. If you just take a picture and thinks the picture is your and never made a citation your presentation is not fully finish. You have to make a citation cause you have to give credit to the photographer or the author of the picture, but first you need permission from the photographer.

After you get permission from the owner get the picture and put on your presentation. If you want to to complete the citation put one on a piece of document or paper. Now, I am going to tell how to write your citing in MLA format.

Citation in MLA Format
First, type or write the author's or photographer's name of the picture. After that add a period next to it, then type the name of the picture with open quote and closing quote and another preiod. Then type "image" with a period next to it. Now, we are almost done but we have to add where you got that picture/photo and put the date it was took and when you saw the the picture.
Figure Notes
Figure notes are needed to complete the citation, the cause of putting it there is if someone sees your presenation, ebook, etc. they will know the facts of the specific picture they can read the name the taker or the author. This is how you make a figure note first type the name of the picture then right photograper's name or author, and you are done but make the font small but make sure it is readible.