Sunday, December 15, 2013

Expert Space

For this unit, we used Expert Space as an online toll for collecting and organizing our notes. 

         Expert Space as a lot of features in just one website. You can take notes, watch tutorial of how to do all the things in Expert Space, and the other tools are the bibliography, outline and a dictionary, that's is all the tools that Expert has. The best thing in this web is that you can make assignments. I think this websites helps kids by making their research much more easier and there is even a note organizer, if you write notes the notes will be saved in that place.
I think that Expert Space is a very good websites to do research on. You have all the tools to finish your assignment, and all of the information there has looked by many authors and other people that has knowledge about the thing that you are searching for, but sometimes there are glitches in the notes sections. 

In class we used this thing called the parenthetical citation. This citation is different from  any thing, this citation is in your writing so for example if I wrote "he died when he was 95 years old (last name of author, page number)." so basically you write the author's last name then comma page number, that's the parenthetical citation. 

That's all about Expert Space.

Ancient Egypt

For this unit, I wrote a research report about this big Question: "Who was Ramses and why is he a good Builder and  Military leader?"

My report is down there:

Ramses The Second
The Ancient Egypt were alive for more than 100 decades. Leaders that ruled Egypt had decision to make and the peasants farmed. But, the most interesting fact of  Ancient Egypt was the Ramses the Second. He was a good leader and builder he is a leader that lived a very long time through battles, sadness, and finally happiness. Ramses is a great structure builder, a good military leader, and especially an amazing family member.

He was born in 1304 B.C. , his father was the Seti 1, his mother was Tuya. He served as a co regent, when he was still young. Even though he is a military leader and a good builder, he has more than one wife and he fathered more than 100 kids (Brier, 2013). The unexpected thing is that Ramses lived so long that Merenptah became a pharaoh (Grolier Online, 2013). Now here comes the sad part, He died when he was 92 years. He was buried in the sections that was called the Valleys of the Kings. Sometimes his tomb would get robbed because of the richness hidden in it (Ramses 2: The powerful Ruler, 2013).

Ramses was also the best architect in that time, and basically he was the one who designed the buildings, that’s why the Ancient Egypt was so beautiful. On the west bank of the Nile river he carved two giant temples into the sides of the a mountain. At their feet there were smaller carves that was Ramses Royal Family, that was the first structure that he made. The second one, is a temple with four carvings of him and three other Nefertari.  But that is not all, later he built a temple which includes courtyards, statues, and pylons. Some of the decorations were scenes from the wars with the Hittites, that was the third structure (Ramses 2: The powerful Ruler, 2013).
Ramses also participated in many battles and most of the battles took place in Syria and Nubia which is in the South of Egypt. The conflicts that they mostly faced were with the Hittites which are people from Asia Minor or present day Turkey ( Brier,2013). After the Egyptians lost victory with the Hittites, they eventually made a treaty, they agreed to support and respect each other. After, Ramses kidnapped a daughter of the Hittites king and made her to be his wife. This battle could never been forgotten and is still known today (Ramses 2: The powerful Ruler, 2013)

In conclusion, Ramses had been a great builder man and a great military leader. All his work has been seen by many men and women in that time, but too bad we can’t see it, only the ruins. His family is a  big long snake with hundreds of kids and more than one wife. His battles will never be forgotten and the Egyptians lost a war with the Hittites but that was only one time. Hope you learn more about the Egyptians.

"Ramses II (1304รข€“1212 B.C.)."  The New Book of Knowledge. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.

"Ramses II: A Powerful Ruler." Ancient Egypt. Expert Space, 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Choosing the Best Resoure

Choosing the Resoures

At class we learn, what kind of resoures we can use if we have a project, research etc. These are the resoures Internet, Magazines, Databases, Textbooks, Videos, Interviews, encyclopedia,  newspaper
Non-fiction texts. Choosing the best resource depends on the project or other work that you are doing. Like for example if you need a rear each that is more effective with visualizing thing  use the videos or the interviews, and if you have a resreach about the solar system you need to use a sources that has trusted sites which has words and facts about the specific thing that you are sreaching, you would use databases, encyclopedia, textbooks and Non- fiction. And finally magazines and interviews, maybe you would use magazines to finds facts or maybe pictures. And interviews are people who has a experience with something and you would ask them or watch them. I used a databases for the Mesopotamian Reserach.

Mesopotamian Question

Mesopotamian Questions 
The question that my me and partner chose was What was in the Assyrian army why was were they so advanced with weaponry and combat skills?

One of the small question was What kind of wepons do they have? and the answer that we search was mostly trusted, this is some of the answer sraight bladed and bows. Some of the question that me and my partner wrote needed long anwsers for it. Now I wnat to show you a fact that me and my partner found which is:
Horses were used for pulling carriages and some men rode on them to battle also their mouthpieces were made of GOLD
And we reziled the Assyrians was very harsh with slave we found out that They covered a pillar with the skins of the slaves and would pluck out their eyes and chop off their two arms
,and sometimes they would cut their noses off, and their ears too.
And this the site for the answer for some questions:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Types of Questions

In class we are learning about three types of questions which are Opinion, Factual and Interpertive question. First we start with the opinion.

Opinion Question: This is a question everybody has a different answer too, like for example if I say to my friends "Do you like drawing?" and my first friends says yes, and the other one says no that is called a opinion question.

And now lets talk  about the Factual Question.

Factual Qusetion: A factual question is when there is a sciencetific answer to a objection. This is a example How big is the sun? and that is a factual question and you could ask a person who learns about the solar system, and you'll get the right answer.

Interpertive Question: A Interpertive question is a question that could be a opinion question or a factual question like this, Will the plant die in the past 1 year? That is a Interpertive question.