Sunday, November 17, 2013

Choosing the Best Resoure

Choosing the Resoures

At class we learn, what kind of resoures we can use if we have a project, research etc. These are the resoures Internet, Magazines, Databases, Textbooks, Videos, Interviews, encyclopedia,  newspaper
Non-fiction texts. Choosing the best resource depends on the project or other work that you are doing. Like for example if you need a rear each that is more effective with visualizing thing  use the videos or the interviews, and if you have a resreach about the solar system you need to use a sources that has trusted sites which has words and facts about the specific thing that you are sreaching, you would use databases, encyclopedia, textbooks and Non- fiction. And finally magazines and interviews, maybe you would use magazines to finds facts or maybe pictures. And interviews are people who has a experience with something and you would ask them or watch them. I used a databases for the Mesopotamian Reserach.

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