Monday, May 23, 2016

Physics Project Reflection #2

We are 1 week into this project and we are discovering many things on the way, everyday. The ending of our first road of the roller coaster, we discovered that the first hill didn't have enough potential energy and transform that to kinetic energy to go over the hills after that. That was one example that we experience on less energy on our coaster.

Screenshot by me From BrainPop App

Newtons First Law states that things at motion will stay at motion unless an unbalanced force is acted upon it, but that is just the other half  of it. In our coaster we have several places where this law comes to play big time. The biggest effect is when the coaster changes direction underneath. One part of  the coaster, that it turns back, but under and with the first law in effect the marble will just fly out in that same direction where it is heading. One thing that has been frustrating for us is being able to cope to partially restart our project, because we were breaking the limits of this project, and so we decided to start over and made a secondary plan that we can look up from. Also, being able to make the turn from a higher height to a lower height was frustrating me, though in the end we were able to use physics and make it work. The progress element of this, has been really good. We are finishing off the 1st and 2nd road, which makes us start the last road. After that we are planning to focusing on decorating the surroundings of the coaster. One thing that seems cool in our project that we can use two marbles and start them at the same time, and see the two differences of energy changes and how things work in a coaster. 

Two classes before it was started over:

This the picture before class after the change:

After class Today:

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